Izzy (Last Name Redacted) - 2024 Aug 23rd
A Saga of Sass
(The Story of Cass)
I’ve known many a wildling
in my lifetime.
They fuel my rhymes
and add vodka to limes.
But this piece here is
glamorous trash.
My best mate and housemate -
the one and only Cass.
A transgender with an agenda
of chaos and petty crime.
High tea one day,
the next racking lines.
A paradox. Awkwardly charismatic.
A brave bitch in boots
with a history of traumatics.
Ever-evolving, ever-changing.
She gives but a single fuck.
Unless you’re ugly or late.
Hates the cost of living and
the stray hairs she has to pluck.
The other week
she ran away from hospital
in the rain.
Clad in socks,
psychosis wearing off
and never to be admitted again.
She cut her fringe too short.
Gets frustrated when she takes
the pom for a walk.
She loses false nails.
Hides a knife under her pillow
and often derails.
She’s a beauty queen.
Even in the panda-eyed, sesh gremlin
dressed as a divorce lawyer scene.
She likes tennis and abstract art.
Loves a mini skirt.
Screams into the dark and
prefers watersports over a flirt.
When unwell, in the mirror
she sees demons.
Yet all I see is the betrayal bestowed
upon her by despoiling heathens.
She poses
in the middle of the road
for selfies.
I buy her cake when she’s sad.
Smokes like it’s going out of fashion.
And I want to be adopted by her dad.
She listens to emo rap
and loves a good sale.
I pay for her lashes
so she isn’t perceived
as male.
But she’s prettier than her sister.
Even pre-transition and the pre-enby
Her idol - Lindsay Lohan.
She prints strange sweatshirts.
She despises the gays,
leads them astray
and needs a little pill
to make her dick work.
HRT, right?
She thinks
I’m one of the smartest people
she knows,
even though this morning
she had to tell me
where ants live.
She’s not one to forget
and doesn’t always easily forgive.
She’s a creative, with all the stories.
She keeps reality hidden
but weaves tales and arts
of false glories.
We complain about men
and being misgendered.
I still call her ‘dude’ and ‘bro’
and she’s never offended.
Platonically married,
we shared a bed.
I bum-scooted her off,
and the marriage was dead.
My disheveled diva.
The Mariah to my Selena.
You’re so far from normal,
but my god, Cass,
you’re a keeper.